Pediatric Dentistry

Cleaning and fluoridation

We offer the most modern dental services with a friendly and warm atmosphere so that our patients feel the comfort and safety they need.


Cleaning teeth in children is an easy, pleasant and painless process. Cleaning removes the dental plaque and tartar. Dental plaque is created by food debris and microbes and sits on the teeth and causes tooth decay and gingivitis. When it absorbs calcium from saliva it turns into a stone and needs to be removed by the dentist with special tools.

How is the cleaning done?

Ultrasound or hand tools are used to remove the stone (deburring). Stone formation is not very common in young children, which is why this stage is often missed. With a rotating soft brush and a special toothpaste, dental plaque and pigments are removed (polishing).


Fluoridation is the placement of fluoride by the dentist to strengthen the teeth. Fluoride is absorbed by the enamel, making teeth more resistant to decay and heals incipient damage. Its action is purely local, so it is called ‘topical’ fluoridation and has nothing to do with any kind of toxic use.

The use of fluoridation in childhood and adolescence is fully scientifically documented and recommended by the International (IAPD), European (EAPD) and American (AAPD) Pedodontic Societies.

Fluoridation is applied twice a year as a preventive measure in children older than 3 years of age, i.e., when the anatomy of the new teeth has been completed or every three months (in case the child has an increased risk of developing caries). In smaller

Frequently asked questions

Good oral hygiene, such as brushing twice a day and flossing, and periodic visits to the dentist for cleaning, are essential.
Fluoride is a trace element like iron. It is found in small amounts in many of the foods we eat and in drinking water in some areas. The basic mechanism of action is that it is absorbed by the enamel of the teeth and changes its structure. The enamel has a crystalline form and fluoride enters these crystals making them extremely resistant to the acids that cause tooth decay.

Fluoride also forms fluoride-calcium chemical compounds with the calcium in the teeth that help significantly in the restoration of the enamel whenever caries acids cause damage, especially after meals. Finally, it has antimicrobial action, since it is able to neutralize some bacteria of the dental plaque.
Black spots on a child’s teeth are the black pigments on tooth surfaces that are associated with low rates of tooth decay and appear to be the result of a combination of several factors related to saliva, oral bacteria and food. The treatment of these dark spots is the specialized cleaning of the child’s teeth by the pediatric dentist. Proper oral hygiene under parental supervision is also important.