Diagnostic Services


We offer the most modern dental services with a friendly and warm atmosphere so that our patients feel the comfort and safety they need.


Dental emergencies are not performed on a schedule, and in the practice we understand this. When these problems arise, we will make time for you by delaying, changing appointments and focusing on relieving your pain!



Whatever the dental emergency, you should be seen as soon as possible! Call our office and we will do our best so that you can be treated that day and feel better in no time.

Dental emergencies are no joke. Let’s look at what is and is not a dental emergency.



Dental trauma involving a missing tooth is a dental emergency! If your permanent tooth falls out of your mouth due to an injury, the dentist suggests that you gently clean the root and try to replace it in the socket in the proper orientation as soon as possible. If you can replace the tooth within 30 minutes, research shows a much higher retention rate of your original tooth! You should not wait more than two hours for a professional dentist to see you.

Dental trauma involving a broken tooth is a dental emergency. If you feel pain, come to our clinic as soon as possible. We will do our best to fit you into that day’s schedule.



A dental abscess is a dental emergency and must be treated immediately. Dental swellings could spread and become dangerous conditions if not treated properly.



If your gums bleed spontaneously, but you are having regular cleanings and checkups, this is a dental emergency. Visit your doctor immediately to check your health condition and inform the dentist as soon as possible. Bleeding gums can be a symptom of more serious health conditions.



Unless you are in extreme pain, a broken end of a molar is not a dental emergency. For these cases, we will book you in at the next available appointment.



30 minutes or more

To properly assess the problem an x-ray of the affected area, along with a 15 to 30 minute examination, is necessary to really determine the problem. During these 30 minutes, the dentist will assess your dental condition and give you a clear plan of what you need to do to feel comfortable again.

Frequently asked questions

If you are experiencing dental pain, the first thing to do is contact your dentist. He or she will be able to guide you on the appropriate treatment.
Antibiotics are valuable medicines when they are used when they are needed and for as long as they are needed. Their action is to kill bacteria. Antibiotics are given either to treat an infection or as a preventive measure where there is a risk of infection occurring. In the case of an operation, or in an elderly or weakened person where there is a risk of infection, antibiotics are given as a preventive measure. Consult your dentist and follow his instructions. If he prescribes antibiotics then and only then take them in the form, amount, frequency and duration that he recommends. If you develop any unusual condition e.g. allergy consult your dentist again.